Potentially useful bit of CSS:
Replace # with user ID to ignore.
Ivor Pneumoniker - - Parent #
I afraid I don't speak the CSSian for ignore, did I just say a joke so dirty I was deleted by the bigtalkian overlord yourself?
Not deleted, just putting stuff in it's place ;)
Big Talk is for genuine discussion, all other nonsense goes here!
Ivor Pneumoniker - - Parent #
sorry got confused it was a big post, thought it would distract and be missed if I put it here ...
why can't I keep it in both?
Ivor Pneumoniker - - Parent #
please invent middle talk where all neo-hyper and high language should go ...
your most resplendent emanence :)
Ivor Pneumoniker - - Parent #
or I suppose a neo-graveyard for smallporkian hamfisted words, people who get voted good enough get to go there, like an invites only room of resplendance for the highly (un)appreciated
Ivor Pneumoniker - - Parent #
or maybe more like notes on facebook, constantly editable but usually keeping the same and mostly ignored
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