Planning to visit #Altern8 this coming Monday as I have wanted to for a while but had to wait till schools broke up! Just checking it is on?
Richard Loxley - - Parent #
Cool :-)
I'll be there at some point.
Do go and introduce yourself to people. Most of the people at the club are pretty shy, but are really friendly when you talk to them. Grabbing a mug of tea from the pot and then discussing the range of chocolate biscuits is a good ice breaker :-)
York Jugglers - - Parent #
Wow! you have a range of chocolate biscuits at Altern8! We only have the whatever packet someone brought that week, though this week a member brought home-made cupcakes (we still look back nostalgically to the days when people brought home-made cake to share).
I quite liked the chocolate topped malted milks, but we've finished that packet now.
This week at Jugglers Anonymous we had Krispy Kreme Doughnuts plus a selection of other biscuits. Last week there were extremely large double choc cookies, the week before there was cake. Unfortunately not every juggler is lucky enough to live in Milton Keynes.
We've had cake [as well as the usual selection of biscuits] for the last two weeks at #Altern8. Mainly because I won free cake vouchers from my local co-op!
Richard Loxley - - Parent #
Nice to meet you yesterday.
As I mentioned, do check out when term time starts again, lovely bunch of people, no need to be a student to join in.
Hope to see you back at the Bristol club sometime. If you fancy learning to pass clubs, several of us will be happy to teach you. We like club passing :-)
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