Just popping over to say hello after joining the site. My name is Cress and I live in Bath. I started juggling around 5 years ago but recently got back into it after a couple of years being distracted by other things! I prefer 3 ball juggling to numbers juggling and am currently working on moving between different tricks and making my juggling more fluid and less 'one trick on one side, same trick on the other side etc.' - it's difficult!
I would love some people to juggle with so am planning to gatecrash the Bath Uni's society when they start up again in September and hope they don't notice/mind that I'm not a student!
Looking forward to chatting to some people on here.
Welcome. I'm sure the Gravity Vomiters will be happy to have a crasher. As we always are at Altern8, so if you fancy a trip over to Bristol, do pop in and say hi.
Cressbullock - - Parent #
Will definitely pop over sometime in the summer presuming you still meet in school holiday times? (My job involves schools work so sometimes I forget that not everyone fits in with school terms!)
Yes, we meet throughout the year. Ocassional shut-down dates are added to the listing on The Edge, so check that before you come, but otherwise, just show up any week.
Richard Loxley - - Parent #
Yup, the Bath Uni people are lovely. I'm not a student but I go there occasionally (usually when they have a unicycle hockey session as well as juggling).
As Void said, you would be very welcome at the Monday night juggling session in Bristol. We drink tea, eat biscuits, and chat, as well as the obligatory juggling :-)
Cressbullock - - Parent #
Sounds excellent thank you, I will try and come sometime in August
.. what tricks are they in "one trick on one side, same trick on the other side etc." .. bodythrows? siteswaps? named tricks? Can you switch of any intention or planned juggling like "now do this one, then that, now this and that fits afterwards" and simply 'let your hands react' on wherever the balls are at next beat?
Little Paul - - Parent #
By "one trick on one side, same trick on the other side" I assumed the plethora of tricks which are "handed" - the most obvious example being the shower.
yeh, but what's so difficult in n o t doing it on the other side aswell, but going into another trick .. is it about transitions (from what to what)?
Cressbullock - - Parent #
Yes basically shower, multiplexes, windmill/half shower etc. - things which are by their nature one sided. When I learned I would do things very rigidly e.g. 4 times on on one side then 4 times on the other so I'm basically just trying to get out of that habit and make the juggling a little more fluid but I'm getting there!
Ah, 'k. Maybe do some "freestyle" from and back to groundstate, find throws, andor bodythrows, andor tricks, that come most fluent like 'by themselves' or 'offering' themselves, until there's more and more of them that simply fit into one another ..
Cressbullock - - Parent #
Thanks that's really helpful will give that a go - would especially love to get better at involving more of my body in throws.
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