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Isamukhamedov_Alex -

Hey there!
I am from Ukraine, my name is Alexey. I started to juggle 7 years ago and I love it! :)
Now I practice 7 clubs (record 11 catches) and 9 rings (record 13 catches) but often I fail catch:( I will be glad advice how to make juggling more stable.
Good luck to everyone and good juggling!

peterbone - - Parent

Hi. Without more information it's difficult to give advice. What is the main cause of failure with 7 clubs? Collisions, spin inaccuracy, throw accuracy, etc? The best way for us to give useful feedback would be for you to film your juggling, from different angles.

Isamukhamedov_Alex - - Parent

I have problem with spin- my left hand throws a little lower, and if I am counted height of 7 clubs, my right hand make slow rotation or left hand make fast rotation. And I do not have power for a long time to juggle seven clubs- 9-10 throws and then height becomes lower and lower.

peterbone - - Parent

One thing that helped me recently is to think more about what's happening when the club's in the hand. Think about dipping the hand quite low to set up the throw. It almost feels like you're pulling the club down as you catch them.


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