5 balle 97531 records

5 balle solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
2150 rattrapés Valentin Helml2016-01-02
515 rattrapés Juggledave2011-05-01
350 rattrapés C*C*K (Christoph)2014-02-25
240 rattrapés Mees Jager2014-01-20
210 rattrapés peterbone2018-02-10
195 rattrapés James Hennigan2018-12-11
150 rattrapés Austin2017-05-23
140 rattrapés varkor2016-09-24
115 rattrapés Jonathan Moore2018-12-11
110 rattrapés Norbi2007-01-24
80 rattrapés thegoheads2011-01-15
80 rattrapés christhejuggler2014-02-28
55 rattrapés manuelKopp2018-06-10
55 rattrapés Brook Roberts2015-07-07
50 rattrapés SimonaCampo2010-10-10
50 rattrapés Janion2011-09-12
40 rattrapés Rob van Heijst2013-12-23
40 rattrapés Heydar2015-05-20
35 rattrapés Chris Veenker2019-05-02
35 rattrapés Oscar Lindberg2016-05-16
35 rattrapés Colin E.2008-06-18
30 rattrapés Stephen Meschke2019-09-22
30 rattrapés Jamie2008-06-01
25 rattrapés Pedro Pessotti2017-11-29
25 rattrapés tadhug2015-07-09
25 rattrapés Woett2013-02-28
20 rattrapés Ludvig Landgren2020-01-21
20 rattrapés KaiSmith2016-06-30
10 rattrapés Ilia Poliakov2018-06-02
10 rattrapés Tom W2015-03-30
10 rattrapés Dave Cheetham2006-10-12
10 rattrapés Jaled2009-04-27
10 rattrapés RegularJugular2012-09-27
10 rattrapés Aymeric2010-07-09
5 rattrapés lucasgabd2014-08-21
5 rattrapés Sidney Kloek2013-05-31
5 rattrapés Becky2018-08-01
5 rattrapés Mats12008-06-21
5 rattrapés Stuart2013-01-21
5 rattrapés Will G.2019-09-10
5 rattrapés Vertigo2012-05-15
5 rattrapés BasB2021-01-10

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
5 rattrapés BasB2021-01-10
20 rattrapés Ludvig Landgren2020-01-21
30 rattrapés Stephen Meschke2019-09-22
5 rattrapés Will G.2019-09-10
15 rattrapés Ludvig Landgren2019-07-11
15 rattrapés Ludvig Landgren2019-06-06
35 rattrapés Chris Veenker2019-05-02
195 rattrapés James Hennigan2018-12-11Dropped during the 40th round.
115 rattrapés Jonathan Moore2018-12-11
10 rattrapés Ludvig Landgren2018-11-21
10 rattrapés Ludvig Landgren2018-11-18
75 rattrapés Jonathan Moore2018-09-06
25 rattrapés Chris Veenker2018-08-16
5 rattrapés Becky2018-08-019 from the left hand; from and to pattern, to a clean collect.
5 rattrapés Becky2018-08-019 from the right hand; from and to pattern, to a clean collect.
5 rattrapés Becky2018-08-019 from the left(?) hand; from and to pattern, to a clean collect.
20 rattrapés Stephen Meschke2018-07-19
15 rattrapés Chris Veenker2018-07-13
20 rattrapés Stephen Meschke2018-07-06
15 rattrapés Stephen Meschke2018-06-23
55 rattrapés manuelKopp2018-06-10
10 rattrapés Ilia Poliakov2018-06-02
45 rattrapés manuelKopp2018-05-25
210 rattrapés peterbone2018-02-10
10 rattrapés Stephen Meschke2017-12-23
25 rattrapés Pedro Pessotti2017-11-29also got a 30 throw run
100 rattrapés James Hennigan2017-11-1120 rounds.
60 rattrapés James Hennigan2017-11-0212 rounds
50 rattrapés James Hennigan2017-10-1710 rounds
40 rattrapés James Hennigan2017-10-148 rounds
30 rattrapés manuelKopp2017-09-09
25 rattrapés manuelKopp2017-08-27
5 rattrapés Ludvig Landgren2017-08-11
150 rattrapés Austin2017-05-23Clean. Haven't tried this in a while
30 rattrapés James Hennigan2017-05-236 rounds starting on both sides. In the garden. Not very difficult.
25 rattrapés James Hennigan2017-02-105 rounds starting on both sides. At Belfast. Using Norwiks.
20 rattrapés James Hennigan2017-02-09Four rounds starting on both sides. From and to a cascade. Using Norwiks. At TCD.
110 rattrapés Austin2017-01-122 Days ago. Not too hard.
80 rattrapés Austin2017-01-09First time I tried this in ages. Feels pretty smooth.
140 rattrapés varkor2016-09-24
75 rattrapés Austin2016-08-30Fumbled the 31 on the 16th round. Quite smooth.
40 rattrapés Austin2016-08-29A week ago roughly.
35 rattrapés Austin2016-07-05
30 rattrapés Austin2016-07-04Fumbled the 31 twice on the 7th round.
20 rattrapés KaiSmith2016-06-30
25 rattrapés Austin2016-05-27Only took a few tries.
35 rattrapés Oscar Lindberg2016-05-16
20 rattrapés Austin2016-04-27
20 rattrapés Oscar Lindberg2016-03-19Back to cascade
15 rattrapés James Hennigan2016-02-103 rounds starting from both sides from and to a cascade. Quite sloppy. At DIT.