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ollyboly -

Im new to the group here, the name is olly, im 19 and live near Morley in leeds.
I started circus skills young when i got dragged to various singing dancing and music festivals and didnt want to partake in the days activities, so i learned diabolo. I then picked up poi and finally learned to ride a unicycle.
Been a while since ive been part of a group though.
Not quite sure what else to say...

Little Paul - - Parent

Hi Olly! Welcome to The Edge!

Do you go to any of the Leeds juggling clubs? Are they still the hotbed of awesome exciting juggling that they were a couple of years back?

If you've got no idea what I'm talking about, you should get yourself along to: or

Orinoco - - Parent

Hi Olly, glad you could make it!

& furhter to LP's advice you're not far away from the British Juggling Convention which will be many types of awesome.


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