All juggling events in 2006
Juggling events in Royaume-Uni, 2006
lundi, 10 avril 2006 to vendredi, 14 avril 2006
EASTER CIRCUS INTENSIVE - 10th to 14th April 2006
Circus Specialist Course offering training in:
Aerial Skills (Corde lisse, Tissu, Aerial Ring, Web)
Chinese Pole
10am - 5pm each day (Mon - Fri)
£175 (£140 conc.) + annual membership of £20
Who this course is for:
Ideal for actors, dancers, gymnasts etc.. wishing to gain new skills; anyone considering entering full-time Circus training; plus anyone else who just wants to experience all the fun, challenges & thrills of the Circus.
No prerequisites, participants of all types and levels of ability are welcome but it will help a great deal if you are physically fit. If these skills are new to you and therefore you are uncertain about your ability to cope with this course, we highly recommend that you enrol on one of our Circus Taster Days beforehand.