(SACP to its friends)
All juggling events in 2017
Juggling events in Slovaquie, 2017
vendredi, 1 décembre 2017 to dimanche, 3 décembre 2017
Slovak Artists´ Community (SAC) cordially invites you to our Christmas artist party. Doesn't matter whether you are a juggler, poi spinner, freerunner, painter or dancer.. Neither does yur age or number of legs. This meeting is for everybody who'd like to see, try or show something!
After a succesfull last years parties we decided to continue the tradition. You can expect a weekend full of juggling, acrobatics, dance and art.
Rendolf - contact and manipulation - 3 clubs
Radek Drake Gomola - poi hybrids
Lenka Švolíková - physical theatre
How to be a clown. Workshop with Alexander Mironov. https://www.facebook.com/events/678059469057494/?ti=cl
You can also expect (program) :
Free training time
Renegade stage at midnight
20:00 Open stage
22:00 Watermelon Orchestra
Breakfast included in price
Whole weekend : 15€
Per day: Friday 5€, Saturday 10€
Special Saturday night open stage + concert ticket 4€
Combined entrance with the "How to be a clown" workshop with Alexander Mironov: 65€
STRET klub has all the amenities you'd need - showers to clean your body, a bar to cleanse your spirit, vegetarian and non-vegetarian food and a big shopping mall half a mile away for all your shopping needs.
Sleeping will be onsite, bring your sleeping bags and mats.
About us:
Slovak Artists' Community aims to create a common space for artists of all kinds to share their passion and creativity. We're a loose associoation of artists with all kinds of artistic experience - we focus on new circus but our members each bring their unique skills, whether jugglers, acrobats, breakdancers, theatre actors or historical fencers.