Juggling Jam Session

All juggling events in 2014
Juggling events in Japon‎, 2014


dimanche, 20 juillet 2014


〒660-0827 尼崎市西大物町 12-41, アマゴッタ5F, MDF Dance Studio





前回関西&関東で好評だった『one on one ball freestyle battle』の関西大会をMDFダンススタジオで開催します。ジャグリングをダンスと同様に楽しむ為のリズムやパントマイムのWS、ダグルWS、バトル、サークルを通じてJJSスタイルの理解を広める目的があります。




I will be held in the MDF Dance Studio, Kansai tournament was popular in the Kansai and Kanto last time of "one on one ball freestyle battle". There is a purpose to spread understanding of JJS WS style of mime and rhythm to enjoy as well as dance juggling, Daguru WS, Battle, through the circle.

It is something to behold the eyes perception of street dance in recent years. It is taken up big events and social empowerment, school, in the media. Speaking from the standpoint of dance juggling also enjoy both, in fact, just like dancing, juggling also can enjoy express. But, why not? I feel that it spread to the general image and difficulty is ahead as if the delay is juggling. To start this tournament, just like the world of dance, it incorporates a battle system called the "compete while having fun," Let's sent to the world as a culture of one! I want to go with a big goal. This time only balls, hat, etc. and genres Diavolo are endless, and the world is spread team battle even if we held. In that it will spread along the world of juggling, please lend your hot feeling of everybody by all means! ! !

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