CircSoc - Leeds University Circus Society

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Ce club n'organise plus de rencontres

Circus Skills Society (CircSoc) is a friendly and social society for both beginners and seasoned professionals! Learn a variety of new skills, make friends and have fun. Our sessions are relaxed and you can pick and choose what you want to learn. Everybody is willing to share what they know, so don't be afraid to just ask!

We hold two sessions per week on Mondays and Fridays 7:30pm-10pm during university term time. Sessions are currently held at the Refectory in the Leeds University Union. We have a wide range of equipment but if you already have some of your own please feel free to bring it along.

We also hold sessions on Friday nights 7:30pm-10pm. These are subject to the room's availability.

The best way to find out about upcoming events or news on sessions is to join the Facebook group:

See you there!


Leeds University Students Union / The Refectory, Lifton Place, Leeds, LS2 9JZ


Ce club ferme durant les vacances. Merci de contacter l'organisateur avant d'y aller.

Mondays: 7:30pm - 10pm
Fridays: 7:30pm - 10pm


Site web:


£1 per session


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